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The Swedish national geodata strategy and the geodata project
Rannestig, Ewa & Ulf Sandgren (2009)
Date entered: 24-aug-2009
15-19 June 2009, Rotterdam, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Document type:pdf (150 kB)
Rannestig, Ewa & Ulf Sandgren (2009)
Date entered: 24-aug-2009
Document type:pdf (390 kB)
Rodriguez, Antonio et al. (2009)
Date entered: 24-aug-2009
Document type:pdf (176 kB)
Loenen, Bastiaan van & Anouk Huisman van Zijp (2009)
Date entered: 24-aug-2009
Document type:pdf (858 kB)
Oosterom, Peter van, Arco Groothedde, Christiaan Lemmen, Paul van der Molen & Harry Uitermark (2009)
Date entered: 24-aug-2009
Document type:pdf (191 kB)
Bennett, Rohan & Abbas Rajabifard (2009)
Date entered: 24-aug-2009
Document type:pdf (441 kB)
Sun, Chih-Hong et al. (2009)
Date entered: 24-aug-2009
Document type:pdf (281 kB)
Horak, Jiri et al. (2009)
Date entered: 24-aug-2009
Document type:pdf (127 kB)
Makela, Jaana et al. (2009)
Date entered: 24-aug-2009
Document type:pdf (472 kB)
Bacic, Zeljko (2009)
Date entered: 24-aug-2009
Document type:pdf (213 kB)
Longueville, Bertrand de et al. (2009)
Date entered: 24-aug-2009