Understanding the Emerging Dynamics in Forest Governance in Ethiopia

Shewakena Aytenfisu Abab

The Chilimo community forest is one of the few remnants of a dry, mountainous forest that once covered
Ethiopia’s Central Plateau and prioritized for PFM in the mid-1990s. This paper presents forest
governance in Ethiopia with Chilimo as a show case. While forest governance is a broad term, embracing
a varied set of actors and factors with complex interrelations the study focuses on what institutional factors contribute to more secure forest tenure as one dimension of forest governance? And how people
acted in relation to the newly introduced institutional arrangement and how they situated themselves in
the recitation practices. To illustrate these, we assess ranges of actors that shape decisions about how forests are managed and used. By narrating the rules that affect forest tenure rights, it discusses how actors develop and apply rules to drive practices at an operational level and its implications to the new
waves of incentives for sustainability.

Event: Land Governance in an Interconnected World_Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty_2018

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Document type:Understanding the Emerging Dynamics in Forest Governance in Ethiopia (1364 kB - pdf)