Understanding Land Acquisition for Urban Development Projects: Participation of Slum Dwellers

Anushka Thakkar

With rising urbanization, cities have continuous need for numerous urban development projects and many a times land required for these projects call for acquisition. The study focused on understanding how the city government deals with slum dwellers during acquisition by taking two case studies varied in scale in the city of Ahmedabad, India. While one project acquired land impacting 10,040 slum households the other impacted 200. Development induced displacements through forced evictions and lack of participatory processes during these turn the clock back for these slum households and these are precisely the households that are the most vulnerable. The timeline assessment of projects and analysis lead to identification of various gaps in the process despite of existing laws and frameworks which illustrated lack of bare minimum sensitivity and complete negligence of the fact that these urban development projects can be multi-dimensional opportunities to cater to all sections of the society.

Event: Land Governance in an Interconnected World_Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty_2018

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Document type:Understanding Land Acquisition for Urban Development Projects: Participation of Slum Dwellers (1611 kB - pdf)