The Ugandan experience of land market policy
Judy Adoko, Liz Neate
This paper reviews the impact of international land market policy on the evolution of customary tenure in Uganda. In particular it considers why it took 95 years to establish a legal recognition of customary tenure, and the impact that this has had on the standing of customary rights holders. It reviews key international policies in respect of land markets, and notes that some institutions have wrongly interpreted the increasing emphasis on security of tenure as a justification for replacing customary tenure with individualized land rights. The experience of the Land and Equity Movement in Uganda over many years has shown that customary approaches to land management cannot be accommodated in an individualized system. Despite this, the Ugandan Government appears to be set on converting customary rights to other systems, which is based on a misunderstanding of the means by which tenure security can be promoted.
Event: Land Governance in an Interconnected World_Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty_2018
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