The fight to eliminate fraud, corruption, tax avoidance and evasion in land administration

David Magor

In any organisation responsible for land administration, taxation or registration, fraud, corruption and financial crime, whether it be bribery, evasion, avoidance, misappropriation, embezzlement or money laundering, operate in environments where opacity, conflict-of-interest, weak audit, lack of oversight and accountability, inadequate procedures, ineffectual and weak organisational cultures are present. This paper seeks to outline an approach to dealing with these matters. Fraud, corruption and financial crime in land administration may be perpetrated by senior and junior management, political élites, public officials acting as ‘lone wolves’ or in subcultures and, increasingly, organised crime. The foundations of a structure to deal with these issues are created by the setting of a series of standards or principles for those participating in public life together with a range of effective operational arrangements.

Event: Land Governance in an Interconnected World_Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty_2018

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Document type:The fight to eliminate fraud, corruption, tax avoidance and evasion in land administration (220 kB - pdf)