Survey record plan vs survey result plan

Leung, Shou-chun

Land boundary description must be continuously changed to cope with the social development, firstly in the written form, then in the graphical form and lately in the numerical form. For every change, an interpretation of the previous boundary description must be made. This changing scenario naturally applies to the DD sheet situation in Hong Kong. The Survey and Mapping Office as the Government representative in the land boundary matter should be in a position to agree with the Authorized Land Surveyor (who acts on behalf of the grantee) on an up-graded boundary plan for replacing the DD sheet. The present system of accepting the Authorized Land Surveyorrs plan merely as a Survey Record Plan (SRP) without any status is not good enough. We must cause this plan to be recognised as the final boundary plan. Let us turn the present SRP to become the Survey Result Plan.

Event: XXX FIG Working Week and General Assembly : Strategic Integration of Surveying Services

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Document type:Survey record plan vs survey result plan (74 kB - pdf)