Abdullah Kara, Volkan Çağdaş, Christiaan Lemmen, Ümit Işıkdağ , Peter van Oosterom, Erik Stubkjær
This paper presents an information system artifact for the fiscal aspect of land administration, a valuation information model for the specification of inventories or databases used in valuation for recurrently levied immovable property taxes. The information model is designed as an extension module of ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), which is an international standard for land administration. LADM Valuation Information Model is supposed to facilitate all stages of immovable property valuation, namely the identification of properties, assessment of properties through single or mass appraisal procedures, generation and representation of sales statistics, and dealing with appeals. Therefore, it enables the recording of data concerning the parties that are involved in valuation practices, property objects that are subject of valuation, their characteristics and other datasets used for and produced within single and mass appraisal procedures. Moreover, it enables development of valuation maps, and property price records needed to assess changes in property values, as addressed by the New Urban Agenda which is as an extension of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for urban areas (cf. Clause 104). The ultimate purpose of this research is to provide governments with a common basis for the development of local or national databases, enable integration of valuation databases with cadastral databases, and guide the private sector in the development of information technology products.
Event: Land Governance in an Interconnected World_Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty_2018
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