Structured Knowledge Base and Teaching Essentials on Responsible Land Administration: Assessment of Uses and Users

Uchendu Eugene Chigbu, Stig Enemark, Menare Royal Mabakeng, Jean du Plessis,, David Mitchell, Siraj Sait, Jaap Zevenbergen

Teaching and capacity development of professionals in the land sector is vital in the improvement of living
conditions and achieving sustainable development. The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) since 2019
designed and developed the teaching and learning material on responsible land administration. This was after
various researchers and experts in the land sector echoed the need for supporting the knowledge acquisition
and capacity development of professionals. The courses are freely accessible to interested institutions and
individuals. Material covers all aspects of land administration, from tenure, land value, land use land
development. The teaching essentials were designed through an intensive peer review process, ensuring that
the latest information on land administration is made available to teachers and learners as part of university
education and capacity development in land administration. This paper is relevant because it is a renewed
effort re-emphasize the availability of these land administration teaching/learning resources which is freely
accessible to all. The paper answers the question, who is willing to use or are already using these resources,
and for what purpose? The paper, apart from presenting narratives for grasping the nature and relevance of
the teaching essentials, uses the GLTN Dashboard analytics to present the current state of its usage. Based on
the scenarios identified, the paper provides recommendations in support of actual use and future

Event: FIG e-Working Week 2021

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Document type:Structured Knowledge Base and Teaching Essentials on Responsible Land Administration: Assessment of Uses and Users (595 kB - pdf)