Spatial information management in Nepal

Acharya, Babu Ram

UN/ECE WPLA Workshop on Spatial Information Management for Sustainable Real Estate Market Best Practice Guidelines on Nation-wide Land Administration (Athens, Greece 28-31 May 2003).

Land is a basic resource of livelihood for almost eighty percent of the population in Nepal. Population growth, lack of physical infrastructure, scattered small sized land parcels and haphazard subsistence farming practices have resulted low productivity and food deficit in on hand. Where as on the other hand high rate of migration from hilly region to urban and plain fertile land (Terai land) has created unplanned settlement and unhealthy real estate market. This imbalance and unplanned land use has directed towards deterioration of natural setup. Due to land less and jobless people's problem, encroachments on public and government lands (like forests) for squatter farming and settlement have been alarming. These are the reasons; the traditional land administration is being handicap for an efficient land management, land valuation and sustainable land market.

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