Roadmap to a coordinated masterplan: Rural revitalization in Sichuan province in China

Fahria MASUM et al

Land Management Consultant

Recently China adopted the rural revitalization strategy in response to the rapid rural-urban migration and emergence of hollow villages, characterised by the declining and aging populations, limited economic and social opportunities for residents, and depleting natural resources. It intends to cover different aspects, including political, cultural, social, and ecological progress. The ultimate aim is to speed up the modernization in rural areas.
This study is based on a pilot project in Sichuan Province in P.R. China, undertaken by the Hanns Seidel Foundation, which is energising the Chinese rural revitalization strategies. This study draws the process of masterplan approach for rural revitalization and lessons from the pilot project in the context of landscape and ecological planning. The study findings confirm that this pilot project would provide experience and help in the implementation of China’s new rural revitalization policy.

Event: FIG WW 2019 Hanoi

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Document type:Roadmap to a coordinated masterplan: Rural revitalization in Sichuan province in China (495 kB - pdf)