Results of project : capacity building partnership in land administration for sustainable economic development in Vietnam

Vries, Walter T. de & Tran Anh Tuan

The project Capacity building partnership in land administration for sustainable economic development in Vietnamm aimedfor five sets of verifiable results: 1) Formalization of the cooperation between the institutes and agreement on the workplan and inception report. 2) Institutional strengthening of HUS / VNU, including training material development and research development, and training of trainers. 3) Human resource development for managers and technical staff at GDLA. 4) Delivery of MSc course in land administration at HUS/VNU. 5) Dissemination of results and validation of the projectss results in terms of socio-economic benefits.

Event: Capacity building partnership in land administration for sustainable economic development in Vietnam

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Document type:Results of project : capacity building partnership in land administration for sustainable economic development in Vietnam (145 kB - pdf)