Real estate valuation in insurances : know the hows and whys
Manaloto, Cromwell
Your house. Your home. Your investment. The epitome of any real-estate investment is definitely your first-bought house. In fact, it is also the most expensive. So to say, any new proprietor focuses on how to secure and protect his new asset. It is his primary concern to find an adequate insurance policy that would first and foremost safeguard his investment against accidental events and damages, and of course, would privilege his right for compensation. To address this need, most banks nowadays, offer a conventional insurance policy alongside mortgage plans. Other insurance products are also available to give a client major tranquility. Additional options can be included to suit the need of the proprietor. This report focuses on the different methods of valuation of real estate valuation, mostly residential and especially those primarily used by insurance agents and claims adjusters. These techniques are the monoparametric comparative evaluation and cost-approach method. We will also talk about what are the factors that influence a real estate market value, determines the increase of value with respect to the concept of ordinary or, in some cases, a sensible decrease.
Event: FIG Working Week 2012 : Territory, environment, and cultural heritage
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