Parcel identification system of CSA, land area measurement and problems attached : CSA's experience
Tadesse, Girma
The Central Statistical Agency (CSA) is the sole producer of socio-economic and demographic data. As part of its main task, since 1980/81, CSA has been collecting, processing and disseminating key agricultural data at different reporting levels. Among the main agricultural data produced is area under different land uses (i.e., area under crop, area under fallow, area under grazing, etc.) for private peasant holdings, which constitute over 90 percent of the total land area, and for large and medium scale commercial farms. How is a particular parcel/field identified in CSAAs field work? Regarding information on size of holding/parcel/field, what method does CSA apply to collect data on size of holding/parcel/field? How does this method facilitate the collection, processing and compilation of data? What problems are encountered during data collection on area under different land uses? Why measure? Why not use local measurement units of area? Which part of CSA system can be an input to the standardization of land registration and cadastral survey methodology?
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