Opening final project workshop Capacity building partnership in land administration for sustainable economic development in Vietnam

Vries, Walter T. de

Welcome to the final workshop of the project Capacity building partnership in land administration for sustainable economic development in Vietnamm. A special welcome from my side to the Rector of VNU, the representative from the Embassy of the Netherlands, but also welcome to a broad range of participants from VNU itself, the General Department of Land Administration, the Netherlands Kadaster, and representatives from various land-related agencies in Vietnam. The project, which started in 2010 and is ending this month in 2012 has been a collaborative between many organizations and many individual people. First of all, there has been a fruitful cooperation between the VNU University of Science, the ITC / University of Twente, the Netherlands Kadaster and the General Department of Land Administration in Vietnam.

Event: Capacity building partnership in land administration for sustainable economic development in Vietnam

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Document type:Opening final project workshop Capacity building partnership in land administration for sustainable economic development in Vietnam (163 kB - pdf)