Modern representation technologies for the implementation of 3D cadastres in Latin America
Erba, Diego Alfonso & Mario Piumetto
Latin America is a diverse region, where social and legal inequities can be seen in many ways. The region is very rich in natural resources, such as minerals, water, forests and productive land; however, its distribution and access are limited and uneven. The concentration of property and resources, as well as the high value of the urban land, leads to illegal and informal uses of the territory. If this situation is a product of exclusionary land policies, the existence of incomplete and inappropriate 2D cadastres and weak land registries, it is valid to ask: Can a 3D cadastre implementation reduce land property concentration, improve the use of natural resources and reduce informality with the new information system? To convince administrators about the relevance of a 3D cadastre, it is very important to have a clear answer to this question, because the demand for a 2D-to-3D transformation is huge in terms of time, money, and human resources.
Event: Third International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres : Developments and Practices
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