Implementation strategy for land administration in Mozambique
Simao Joaquim, José Almeirim Carvalho, Mario Ruymarques, Joao Carrilho, Marisa Balas, Christiaan Lemmen, Eva-Maria Unger, Martien Tomberg
Land administration inMozambique needs to become less bureaucratic, simpler, cheaper and more transparent. Design and implementation of traditional approaches is so time consuming that land laws are to be adapted to provide for simpler procedures. Delivery of results (maps, DUATs1, spatial plans) requires unconventional approaches, both conceptual and technological. This paper proposes an implementation mechanism for the Land Sector Strategic Plan in Mozambique. A clear priority is identified in this proposal: DUAT production for 5 million parcels before 2025 combined with an land administration organisation where maintenance can be performed. This allows for the future development and introduction of a more comprehensive land governance2 in the related areas. Land administration is considered as a business that operates within legal frameworks. Topographic mapping and land use planning should be included in this business approach. It is considered that the implementation of the Land Sector Strategic Plan of Mozambique can be achieved by one unique, single organisation for land administration and topographic mapping operating at different levels of administration.
Event: Land Governance in an Interconnected World_Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty_2018
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