Identification of informal settlement by integration of cadastral information and remote sensing satellite imagery

Paudyal, Dev Raj & Nab Raj Subedi

Activities on the land are dynamic phenomenon. Seeing people occupying certain portion of land does not necessarily mean that they own it until it is verified. Coming to the matter of ownership, virtually there has been growing number of informal settlement scattered in different urban areas of the kingdom of Nepal. In spite of different activities to manage such settlement, government has not been able to track their settlement sites continuously. Searching the mechanism to identify such informal settlement, remote sensing technology integrated with the cadastral information can be the best tool to see the dynamics of informal settlement in future. The paper deals in the identification of the informal settlements by using remote sensing imagery of higher resolution integrated with the cadastral information in the part of Katmandu Metropolitan City.

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Document type:Identification of informal settlement by integration of cadastral information and remote sensing satellite imagery (357 kB - pdf)