Fueling land grabbing or promoting land governance? The case of the terra legal program in the Brazilian amazon
Rogerio Cabral, Disarz, Jose Dumont, Bettina Kupper, Robson Disarz
The main causes for illegal deforestation and increasing land conflicts have to do with weak land governance and the lack of clearly established property rights (Reydon, 2017, and Kupper et al., 2017). This is particularly true for the Amazon region, where large plots of public lands are lacking clear alloca3on and guaranteed use or property rights, as a result of its complex coloniza3on history (Duchrow et al. 2016, Kupper et al. 2017). In the year 2016 the deforestation rate in the Legal Amazon reached 7.893 km², and 6.624 km2 in 2017 (PRODES, 2018). In the year of 2016 were registered in Brazil 61 killings related to land conflicts , 48 thereof in the Legal Amazon. By September 2017, the numbers of land related killings reached already 59 in Brazil and 49 in the region (CPT, 2017). In 2009, the Brazilian Government created the “Terra Legal program as one of the main strategies to combat deforestation” and to clarify the alloca3on of unassigned public federal lands in the Legal Amazon, as well as to survey and to regularize legitimate users in order to protect and guarantee their rights. The objec3ve of this poster is to analyze the internal procedures of land tenure regularization applied by Terra Legal in the light of the FAOs Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of Na3onal Food Security (VGGT) based on a compara3ve analysis of the regulatory framework and procedures between federal and state level land institutions.
Event: Land Governance in an Interconnected World_Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty_2018
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