Field-testing of various cadastral surveying methodologies : a summary
Ethiopian Mapping Agency (EMA)
Different surveying methodologies can be used for the purpose of cadastral surveying. These are broadly classified as field survey methods (steel tape, theodolite, total station, GPS, etc.) and air survey methods (aerial photographs and satellite imagery). Experiences in other parts of the world are neither concrete nor specific. For example, in Africa different countries use different cadastral surveying methodologies, often with varied approaches within a country. In the Ethiopian context, the Amhara, Oromia, SNNP and Tigray regional states deployed different cadastral surveying methodologies when implementing their regional land administration programmes. For the First Level Rural Land Certification programs, the Oromia and SNNP regional states deployed simple rope measurements without production of any geo-referenced parcel index maps. For the subsequent Second Level Certification, the Amhara regional state, with the support from the Sewdish International Development Agency (SIDA), has been using total station and GPS surveying methodologies at pilot level. It was thus very urgent and important to choose an appropriate cadastral surveying method taking into account the prime purpose with due account of important evaluation criteria, including accuracy, cost, time, appropriateness and flexibility in field operations.
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