Crowd sourcing for land administration : perceptions within Netherlands Kadaster

Keenja, Eliaisa, Walter de Vries, Rohan Bennett & Peter Laarakker

Crowd sourced or volunteered geographic information (VGI) is spatial information that is generated and donated by citizens, usually using spatially enabled mobile devices. The data is harvested by online services (e.g. and is used to produce alternative geographic datasets. The disruptive paradigm shift is potentially the biggest since the advent of digital computing. In the realm of land administration, it is forcing traditional cadastral mapping and land registration agencies to rethink why and how they operate. International bodies including FIG and RICS have recognized the issue. At the 24th FIG Congress in Sydney 2010, Robin McLaren declared mobile phone technology would radically change the nature and governance of societies. At the 2011 FIG Working Week in Marrakech, Peter Laarakker and Walter De Vries introduced the concept of OpenCadastre.orgg. The 2011 FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting included a full day seminar on Cadastre 2.0. It dealt specifically with the issue of crowd-sourced data in land administration. Meanwhile, in late 2011, RICS released Crowd Sourcing for Land Administrationn. How these statements and ideas are being dealt with on the groundd within land administration organizations is less clear. This paper aims to provide some clarity. It presents the results of a study in progress aimed at assessing the perceptions of VGI within land administration organizations. The Qmethodology was applied using participants from different parts of Dutch Kadaster, The Netherlands. The results reveal a range of perceptions of VGI across a modern land administration organization. These understandings are potentially beneficial for VGI-related strategic decision-making and change management within all land administration organizations.

Event: FIG Working Week 2012 : Territory, environment, and cultural heritage

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Document type:Crowd sourcing for land administration : perceptions within Netherlands Kadaster (173 kB - pdf)