Document type:pdf (934 kB)
Drivers of corruption in urban land administration: a case of Lusaka city
Lizzy Banda, Progress H. Nyanga
Date entered: 1-mrt-2022
16/03 - 20/3/2020, Washington DC, United States of America (the)
Document type:pdf (934 kB)
Lizzy Banda, Progress H. Nyanga
Date entered: 1-mrt-2022
Document type:pdf (1662 kB)
Adane Buni Irkiso, Bogale Terefe Abebe, Kiros Hadgu, Tigistu G. Abza, Amy Quandt
Date entered: 4-mrt-2022
Document type:pdf (1424 kB)
Kemal Vaz, Xavier Lucas, Magorombane Manhique, Bruno Nobre Lopez
Date entered: 8-mrt-2022
Document type:pdf (845 kB)
Jethro Jones (2020)
Date entered: 11-mrt-2022
Document type:docx (694 kB)
liu (2020)
Date entered: 11-mrt-2022
Document type:pdf (1455 kB)
Shona Hawkes (2020)
Date entered: 11-mrt-2022
Document type:pdf (195 kB)
Stephen Calder (2020)
Date entered: 11-mrt-2022
Document type:docx (45 kB)
Nivievskyi (2020)
Date entered: 16-mrt-2022
Document type:docx (34 kB)
Aletheia Donald, Markus Goldstein, Alexandra Hartman, Eliana La Ferrara, Michael O’Sullivan (2020)
Date entered: 16-mrt-2022
Document type:docx (30 kB)
Ghebru (2020)
Date entered: 18-mrt-2022