Advancing land administration skills, knowledge and benefits in Vietnam

Vries, Walter T. de

The Vietnam National University, Hanoi University of Sciences (VNU/HUS) together with the faculty Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation of University of Twente (ITC/UT) and the Netherlandss Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency (Dutch Kadaster) executed a project Capacity building partnership in Land administration for sustainable development in Vietnamm in the period 2009-2012. The Netherlands Vietnam Facility, operated by EVD International business and cooperation, funded the project, in line with the objectives of the Vietnamese Government and the Netherlands Cooperation and Development objectives. This article will provide a synopsis of how the advancement in skills, knowledge and research in land administration aligns with the development advancements in sustainable economic development in Vietnam. In nearly four years the project has established an academic partnership between VNU/HUS and the University Twente in the Netherlands in the field of land administration in Vietnam. The project deliverables include a joint international MSc programme in land administration, e-learning modules and facilities, on-the-job training of land administration practitioners, lecturers and scientists, and a set of research articles, amongst others. The long-term aim of the newly developed land administration capacity is to enhance land tenure security, foster transparency in land use and land management and to facilitate the functioning of the land and property market. This in turn should reduce poverty, enable environment protection and promote economic growth.

Event: Capacity building partnership in land administration for sustainable economic development in Vietnam

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